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Use our stock intersection and X-Ray tools to find your true exposure to geographical regions, stock sectors, and individual equities. Uncover unexpected concentrations, holes, and overlap you didn’t know you had.
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Our detailed, yet accessible, Analyst Reports take you under the hood of the individual stocks and funds in your portfolio, examining the underlying operations and fund portfolio holdings to assess performance in the current market, including how and why it trailed or beat its peers.
Our analyst research not only offers insights on past performance, but also our take on the future prospects for your funds and stocks. How likely is a firm to weather the current downturn, and even come out ahead? Which funds are poised to pop when the market turns around? Our reports look forward to give you sense of likely outcomes and realistic expectations based on the fundamentals.

Plan Your Next Steps

Whether you’re rebalancing, looking to upgrade, plugging holes in your portfolio, seeking opportunities, or going on defense, Morningstar’s Premium stock fair value estimates, company economic moat ratings (for competitive strength), Fund Analyst Picks, and Fund Stewardship Grades lay out some the best investing options to meet your needs.
In tough markets, much can seem out of your control, but much is also in your hands. Try Premium Membership free for 14 days and see how our portfolio tools, proprietary ratings, and sensible stock and fund research can help you invest smarter in the best and worst of markets.

Independent. Insightful. Trusted. Morningstar provides stock market analysis; equity, mutual fund, and ETF research, ratings, and picks; portfolio tools; and option, hedge fund, IRA, 401k, and 529 plan research. Our reliable data and analysis can help both experienced enthusiasts and newcomers.

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